Nobur Deburring Tool

Price Increase set for Nobur Deburring Tools

Sales of Nobur manually actuated Deburring Tools has gradually declined over the past few years to the point that Cogsdill no longer enjoys the economy of scale in cost savings that we used to enjoy due to the previous higher volume. As a result, the cost to produce the line of Nobur deburring tools has increased to the point where we can no longer offer these tools at their current sales prices. While we do appreciate that these tools are preferred for certain applications by a number of customers, we must address this issue now.

Please note that the following price increase does not affect any Cogsdill deburring tools such as Burraway, Micro-Burraway or Burroff tools.

We are announcing a significant price increase for the Nobur Deburring tools only, effective April 1, 2020. As of this date prices will increase by the amounts shown below:

  • Standard Nobur Deburring tools ¼” and above will increase by 25% – this includes complete tools and pilots.
  • Standard Nobur Deburring tools, 3/32”, 1/8”, 5/32”, and 3/16” sizes will increase by 40% – this includes complete tools and pilots.
  • Standard replacement cutters for all Nobur Deburring tools will not increase at this time.
  • For prices on special Nobur Deburring tools and components, please contact our US customer service department at 803-438-4000.

Please make note of these increases for your customers who buy any Nobur Deburring tools as the new pricing will go into effect for all orders received after the end of the day on March 31, 2020.

Reminder: Please note that this price increase does not affect any Cogsdill Deburring Tools such as Burraway, Micro-Burraway or Burroff tools. This only applies to the Nobur deburring tools as noted above.